Here is the team around
You will be very welcome, if you like to join us. Go to be a part of the
Martin Gleiß
Project owner
Wolfram v. Hülsen aka wvhn
Maintainer of smartVISU since the release of v2.9.
Stefan Widmer aka smai
Implemented more than 90% of the features listed in changelog of v2.9
Andreas Künz aka Onkel Andy
Added useful features, re-worked the entire Quad design (based on the work of Niko Will aka 2ndsky), enhanced the template checker and wrote user documentation.
Andre Kohler aka AndreK
Wrote the widget assistant, added item checking to the template checker and provided the widget device.uzsutable.
Manuel Holländer aka Bonze
Wrote creative new widgets like the roundslider widgets, status.toast, status.activelist and lib.supersize.
Please support our development! We have spent a lot of time to give you the best experience with your smarthome! |